Hotel von Rotz

Hotel von Rotz
Clever Stay Hotel - first-class comfort, maximum flexibility thanks to 24-hour self-check-in and business-friendly rooms with workspace.
Some like it quick and uncomplicated. The hotel in Wil is the answer. Those who value a quick booking and time-saving self-check-in are in good hands here: Business travellers for example, but also holidaymakers in transit. Or those seeking relaxation who are spending a weekend in Eastern Switzerland. The hotel is located directly on top of a car dealership, the well-known car world of "von Rotz", and offers comfortable rooms for business people, long stay apartments with a small kitchen, individual theme rooms on the theme of "Cars & more" and a spacious family room.

Additional info

Number of beds 112



  • Air conditioning
  • Internet access
  • Fitness Room
  • Balcony


Hotel von Rotz
Industriestrasse 27
9552 Bronschhofen

+41 71 555 38 38




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