Bible Garden Gossau

Bible Garden Gossau
Over a hundred different plants in the grounds of the Gossau Bible Garden let you experience the biblical world with all your senses.
The Gossau Bible Garden is located in the center of the town of Gossau, in Andreaspark, the former cemetery of St. Andrew's Church. About 110 plants grow in eight thematically grouped beds and in the park grounds. About 70 of these plants are mentioned by name in the Bible. However, the climate of Gossau is too harsh for many species. Therefore, some Bible plants have been replaced by species that are closely related to the biblical plants. Other species were chosen because they occur in the land of the Bible. All plants are labeled and relationships to the Bible texts are explained. Bible texts corresponding to the plants are engraved in sandstone slabs and laid as floor tiles. The Bible Garden is open at all times and can be visited. Those who want to learn more about the plants of the Bible, medicinal plants or herbs can book a guided tour.



Bibelgarten Gossau
Herisauerstrasse 5
9200 Gossau

0041 71 388 18 42




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