Farm Olympics at the Heiterhof

Farm Olympics at the Heiterhof
Fun and games on the farm for young and old!
Put together your individual Farm Olympics from 15 different disciplines and look forward to a varied and entertaining day on the farm. Lunch or dinner, award ceremony and gift included. Takes place in all weather conditions. You can choose between the following disciplines: - Hitting a bell with a boot - Throwing a ball into a carafe - small tractor course (for children) - Dung competition - Push milk cans - Filling PET bottles with water hose - Sawing wood - Stable visit of calves, cows, knowing and quiz with provided feed and food - Aiming a tire in a silo - Tractor driving (for children) - Pitchfork darts - Nailing contest - Wheelbarrow race - Horseshoe throwing - Alphorn blowing

Additional info

maximum Attendee Capacity 50



Härdlistrasse 77
9453 Eichberg

Heidi und Walter Freund-Brunner

+41 71 755 52 59




Show map