Ausstellungssaal Stiftsarchiv

Ausstellungssaal Stiftsarchiv
The main attraction in a separate room is the famous St.Gallen monastery plan of the Abbey Library. It is regarded as the most important architectural drawing of the Middle Ages.
The exhibition “The Miracle of Tradition – The St.Gallen Monastery Plan and Europe in the Early Middle Ages” deals with the unparalleled abundance of early medieval documents in St.Gallen. The legal documents preserved in the St.Gallen Abbey archives are the centrepiece, including two books on brotherhoods and the only surviving book of vows from the Carolingian period. Temporary exhibitions with selected documents provide insights into how people lived in the early Middle Ages. After an introductory series of multivision panels, the famous St.Gallen monastery plan can be viewed in its original form for a few seconds. To preserve the valuable document, it must be protected from excessive exposure to light.



Ausstellungssaal Stiftsarchiv
Klosterhof 1
9000 St. Gallen

+41 71 227 34 16



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